Queensland First Nations Tourism Council
The Queensland Tourism Industry Council and First Nations Tourism Working Group are holding regional consultations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tourism operators, members of Prescribed Body Corporates and First Nations people who have an interest in shaping the future of Indigenous tourism in Queensland.
These consultations are being held to continue the work already underway in the development of the First Nations Tourism Plan and the Plan for the Year of Indigenous Tourism.
We would like to hear your voice on what the opportunities and challenges are for First Nations Tourism – especially in light of COVID-19 impacts - and the development of the First Nations Tourism Council for Queensland. Your input is essential to ensure the body is representative of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tourism operators across Queensland.
Please come along if you:
Are responsible for business development and/or planning for a First Nation organisation that represents First Nations Traditional Owner Group
Are a member of a PBC or involved with planning or assessing tourism as a means for community economic and or cultural development
This plan was formed by your voice and continues to have First Nations people at its heart. The program is supported by QTIC, the QTIC Indigenous Champions Network and the First Nations Tourism Working Group.
We will be travelling the state to make sure that voices and visions from all regions are included in this important plan. Refreshments will be served and there is no charge for the event.
For more information please visit our website. Alternatively contact Shae Davis, Indigenous Project Officer, at [email protected] or call (07) 3236 1445.

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